People in charge of spreading the word in an specific university, contacting deans and professors reaching undergrad and grad school students that use or might be interested in using python.
This site contains the available spots we have for volunteers at Pycon Colombia
Pycon colombia is constantly looking for volunteers that are willing to help in the multiple tasks before, during and after the event.
PyCon Colombia 2017 was the vey first event of python in Colombia, we are making the difference, we are making history. We want to reach every single professional, every single university and school student and create awareness of the huge impact of using technology in every single field. Pycon Colombia 2017 was the first of many python events in multiple cities across the country. If you want of join us taking massive action pushing this country forward, you should definitely join us.
Help us designing the conference bag, pens, stickers, posters, flyers,
Volunteers willing to contact companies to get more sponsors for the event. The contact might be done via email, calls, lunch, etc.
Have a direct communication with speakers in order to get additional information, special requests, inform the day and time of their talks etc. The communication would be via email, chat or hangout calls.
Every talk and workshop recording will be edited and published in our youtube account.
All volunteers will be published in the event site and published in our social network accounts: Facebook and Twitter
Once you identify the task(s) you would like to contribute to the PyCon Colombia 2017 event, email us specifying the tasks and contact info so we can get in contact with you to start working
If you have any question please email us